oak ridge city wide meetings
February 16, 2025First City Wide Meetings Scheduled
Oak Ridgers interested in helping craft the City’s next comprehensive plan are encouraged to attend a virtual meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, at 6 p.m. and an in-person meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. at Oak Ridge High School.
The virtual meeting, which is the first of many citywide opportunities to weigh in, will begin at 6 p.m. and last about an hour. Participants can expect to view a presentation about the planning process and how to get involved. The opportunity for questions will be available following the presentation. Participants can also enter comments and questions in the chat throughout the meeting to be addressed at the end. The in-person meeting on February 26th will provide much more interaction and opportunity to engage on what the plan should include.
To join the meeting, visit oakridgetn.gov/comprehensiveplan to find a link to the comprehensive plan website. The meeting details are under the section titled “Key Dates”. For questions or more information, visit oakridgetn.gov/comprehensiveplan. To contact the Planning & Development Department call (865) 425-3531 or email plandev@oakridgetn.gov.