The Preserve 201 Broadberry Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830
The Marina
The Marina
Nestled in a slight bend of the lake, and protected by an island is The Marina. The full service, commercial marina is a perfect, safe, clean place to start and end your day on the lake.
#TheMarinaAtThePreserve is open for business! Grab some snacks and drinks at the ship store while...
Come see us at the Oak Ridge Business Expo and enter to win a FREE...
What a beautiful day at The Marina! #thepreserveatoakridge #masterplannedcommunity #amenityrichliving #themarinaatthepreserve #winterviews #easttennessee
Come see me at the Downtown Knoxville Boat Show. I'll tell you all about the...
The Marina at The Preserve 💚 love where I work ☀️🚤😎 #thepreserveatoakridge #themarinaatthepreserve #thepreservesalesteam
Watts Bar Lake is one of the south’s largest lakes, covering 39,000 acres at full pool with 771 miles of shoreline. 738 of those shoreline miles are located in Roane County. Watts Bar Lake lies between the Watts Bar Dam and Ft. Loudon Dam, with the maximum depth being approximately 70 feet near the dams. The Tennessee River, Clinch River and Emory River are tributaries to Watts Bar Lake. Largemouth and smallmouth bass are peak fishing April through June. Look for stripers, too, in this glassy, scenic waterway.